Dry Brush
Dry brushing is the ancient practice of brushing dry skin with a natural-bristle brush in order to stimulate the lymphatic system and exfoliate your skin. Dry brushing can help detox your body by stimulating your lymphatic system to remove cell waste, environmental toxins, and pathogenic organisms more efficiently.
The lymphatic system helps your body fight off infections. Fluids flow through the system and are filtered through the lymph nodes. If you’re sick or exposed to a lot of toxins, the system may become backed up and clogged. That is why your lymph nodes often become swollen when you have a cold.
Dry brushing is thought to help the body release toxins through sweat. The course bristles on the brush stimulate the pores and open them up. This makes it easier for the body to sweat, which in turn reduces the amount of toxins flowing through the lymphatic system.
Cellulite is a condition that mostly affects women. Areas affected by cellulite have a rippled or “cottage cheese” appearance. Some claim that dry brushing can
reduce the appearance of cellulite because it has similar effects on the body as massage.
- stimulating the lymphatic system
- exfoliating the skin
- helping the body rid itself of toxins
- increasing circulation and energy
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